Past Innovations

Past inventions and first on the market achievements include:

Our Series 1000 Battens:

Deltech UK was the first company to place Batons on the market in 2014We worked with a Chinese Factory whereby we helped them transform a common standard fluorescent tubes into a LED Baton.

Environmental Innovations:

We care about the environment – and again were one of the first companies to place non flicker components into lights.

Mark 5 and Mark 7 Lamps

First ever replacement of halogen lamp but now standard LED, introduced by DeltechUK  in 2011
New sleek Design registration in 2021
Deltech upgrade, first on the market filed 2010

Old Products

Auto lit LED shelving lighting, move the shelf and the light moves with it.
1994- a light instead of a brick. First market invention and market sale by Deltech UK team.